Tai Chi For Arthritis: The Complete Guide

Tai Chi Can Significantly Reduce Arthritis Symptoms, Among Other Benefits 

Tai Chi is an ancient form of Chinese exercise that can be incredibly effective at treating arthritis symptoms. According to the CDC, in 2021, more than 21% of U.S. adults (over 53 million people) suffered from arthritis. While medications can help arthritis symptoms, natural exercises like Tai Chi can often be equally or more effective, especially when combined with appropriate medication. 

A Brief Note On Tai Chi

Tai Chi may be as much as 1,200 years old, but it’s becoming more relevant than ever. Benefits of Tai Chi include stress reduction, improved brain function, and fall reduction. Tai Chi involves doing a series of slow, methodical exercises that both strengthen the body and the mind. 
Tai Chi can also improve cardiovascular function and strengthen bones and muscles. 

In addition, Tai Chi focuses on two core concepts from Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). These include: 

  • Qi: Qui is an energy force believed to flow through the body, and Tai Chi can help improve the quality of this flow. 

  • Yin and Yang: Ying and Yang are opposing universal elements. These elements must be kept in harmony in order to maintain the order of the universe, and Tai Chi is believed to help improve this balance. 

Other Benefits of Tai Chi

Some of the other benefits of Tai Chi include:

  • Flexibility

  • Balance

  • Aerobic conditioning

  • Improved concentration

  • Fall prevention

In addition to these benefits, new research, including a landmark 2023 study, also suggests that Tai Chi may be able to stave off (or even improve) conditions like Alzheimer's and Dementia. 

Paul Lam’s Tai Chi For Arthritis 

While Tai Chi for arthritis has been around for quite a while, one pioneer in the field, Dr. Paul Lam, has written the most popular guide on the subject, aptly called “Tai Chi for Arthritis.” 

According to his website: 

“In 1996, Dr Paul Lam with a team of medical and tai chi experts created [a] safe and easy to learn program. Medical studies confirm Tai Chi for Arthritis relieves pain, reduces falls and improves quality of life.”

How Does a Tai Chi Class Work

Tai Chi classes are taught differently, depending on the instructor, but generally, they have three main components

  1. Warm-Up: This helps increase blood flow to the muscles and joints and prevents strains and injuries. 

  2. Tai Chi Forms: The teacher will demonstrate Tai Chi movement forms and help ensure students practice correctly. 

  3. Qigong: Qigong is a type of breath work sometimes included towards the end of Tai Chi classes. It can be practiced in various positions, including sitting, lying down, and standing, and is thought to help increase energy while relaxing the mind. 

How To Start Tai Chi for Arthritis 

There are a variety of ways to start practicing Tai Chi for arthritis and other issues. To start, there are tons of free online videos on YouTube, various websites, and other social networks that can help beginners with Tai Chi. For a bit more personalized attention, you can attend a group class in person or a group class online to learn the moves yourself and get a bit of feedback. 

However, if you want the most personal experience and want to really make sure you’re getting the most out of Tai Chi, you can also sign up for online personal or small group Tai Chi lessons. These lessons, led by certified Tai Chi instructor Lori Kerrigan, can help you reach your full potential with Tai Chi and give you the personalized feedback you need to get the most out of this incredible form of exercise and healing. 

Additional Tai Chi Tips

Before trying Tai Chi, you may wish to consult with your doctor to make sure this is an appropriate exercise for you. Your doctor may want you to avoid certain positions, such as squatting or kneeling, if you have a history of injuries or other medical issues. 

In addition, it’s important to dress comfortably, and it’s recommended to wear loose fitting clothes that fit you comfortably. 

Finally, you should talk to your instructor to see if their idea and methodology appeals to you. There are some legitimate Tai Chi certifications, but many teachers are uncertified. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re bad, however, you may want to be more careful when choosing an uncertified Tai Chi teacher. 


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